Research Output
A Novelty-Search Approach to Filling an Instance-Space with Diverse and Discriminatory Instances for the Knapsack Problem
  We propose a new approach to generating synthetic instances in the knapsack domain in order to fill an instance-space. The method uses a novelty-search algorithm to search for instances that are diverse with respect to a feature-space but also elicit discriminatory performance from a set of target solvers. We demonstrate that a single run of the algorithm per target solver provides discriminatory instances and broad coverage of the feature-space. Furthermore, the instances also show diversity within the performance-space, despite the fact this is not explicitly evolved for, i.e. for a given ‘winning solver’, the magnitude of the performance-gap between it and other solvers varies across a wide-range. The method therefore provides a rich instance-space which can be used to analyse algorithm strengths/weaknesses, conduct algorithm-selection or construct a portfolio solver.

  • Date:

    14 August 2022

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher

    Springer International Publishing

  • DOI:


  • Cross Ref:


  • Funders:

    EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


Marrero, A., Segredo, E., León, C., & Hart, E. (2022). A Novelty-Search Approach to Filling an Instance-Space with Diverse and Discriminatory Instances for the Knapsack Problem. In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVII. PPSN 2022 (223-236).



Instance generation, Novelty search, Evolutionary algorithm, Knapsack problem, Optimisation

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