Research Output
What, and Who, Is Social Tourism? The Roles of the Public, Private and Voluntary Sector in Social Tourism Provision in Flanders, Belgium
  In many social tourism systems, private-sector partners play a large role in social tourism provision. This begs the question: how exactly does one classify social tourism initiatives? Which conditions do providers need to meet to be classed as 'social tourism', and can profit-seeking private enterprises also be classed under this label if these conditions are met? This chapter explores these questions by examining the case study of Flanders. A conclusion of focus groups conducted in Flanders was that a definition of social tourism based on the nature of the provider is not helpful: in practice, actors in the public, private and voluntary sectors are social tourism providers. A high level of consensus was reached for the statement: 'social tourism is something you do, not something you are'.

  • Date:

    31 December 2021

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher


  • DOI:


  • Funders:

    Historic Funder (pre-Worktribe)


Minnaert, L. (2021). What, and Who, Is Social Tourism? The Roles of the Public, Private and Voluntary Sector in Social Tourism Provision in Flanders, Belgium. In J. Lima, & C. Eusebio (Eds.), Social Tourism: Global Challenges and Approaches (158-168). Wallingford: CAB International Publishing.


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