Research Output
Queer Politics of post-Enlightenment: Beyond the Horizon of the Present
  This essay reflects on queer politics in Central and Eastern European (CEE) through the examples of Poland and Hungary using the Derridean concept of “supplement” to expose the inherently unstable and somewhat queer nature of populist nationalisms. I suggest that both populist and LGBT+ politics are the legacy of the Enlightenment, consolidating the negative effects of the ongoing dominance (or more precisely coloniality) of a European-defined “modernity.” In response, I ponder whether the “in-betweenness” of CEE may accelerate the realization of new possibilities for queer politics beyond the heteronormative and racialized present of “Europe.”


Kulpa, R. (2021). Queer Politics of post-Enlightenment: Beyond the Horizon of the Present. Hungarian Studies Review, 48(2), 199-208.



sexual politics in Poland and Hungary; queer politics beyond occidentalism; queer logics of supplement; coloniality; post-Enlightenment, queer alternatives

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