Research Output
Designing Blended Experiences: Laugh Traders Design Fiction
  The increasing ubiquity of interactions that involve complementary digital content, physical objects, and spaces, brings about new challenges for designers. There is a need to embed designs in legacy systems, whether those are existing physical structures or existing digital platforms. Traditional approaches to product design, interaction design, and user experience design often do not take this new context into account. Many systems do not consider how designers produce new digital and physical experiences that work harmoniously, while supporting new interactions and relationships with people (Imaz and Benyon 2007; Jetter, Geyer, Schwarz & Reiterer 2012). To address this, we propose the idea of blended experiences and offer a framework of constructs and techniques that can help designers work in this emerging area of design (O’Keefe and Benyon 2015). Using “Laugh Traders”, a storyboard Design Fiction created through practice (Sturdee, 2016), we propose a means of evaluating speculative experiences utilizing the Blended Spaces Framework influenced by emerging user experiences, devices, products, systems and services.

  • Type:

    Conference Paper

  • Date:

    31 December 2020

  • Publication Status:


  • Funders:

    Edinburgh Napier Funded


O’Keefe, B., Flint, T., Mastermaker, M., Sturdee, M., Chirico, A., & Benyon, D. (2020). Designing Blended Experiences: Laugh Traders Design Fiction. Frameless, 3(1),


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